
Welcome to Casey's Library! 

The Casey Library is dedicated to providing equitable access to materials students and teachers require from a 21st Century library staffed by a teacher-librarian committed  to creating a culture that encourages lifelong learning and a community of responsible digital citizens. 

In addition, on behalf of the Colorado State Library and the Colorado Department of Education, our Librarian Jen Adams, has received an achievement of earning the Environment credential through the Highly Effective Schools Through Libraries Program.

HESTL Environment Credential


How to Access Sora

Visit  Sora in Chrome or download the free Sora app from the Apple App or Google Play stores on a mobile device.

Select ‘Find my school’ to search for Casey Middle School.  Now explore BVSD's middle school digital collection.

Sora Define & Translate

Students and staff who use OverDrive can define and translate words while reading ebooks, seamlessly. See how digital reading can help ELD and struggling students

Wondering What to Read? 

Good Reads recommends titles based on books you've already read and liked
Good Reads Best of 2018
Book Club says Read These!

Quick Library Links



   Annotate articles using: Hypothesis,   
   Primary Sources,
   Perspectives on the News  Content Providers            

Image result for new york times icon

   Available Daily Online

    Wall Street Journal  


Teacher Tips and Tricks

How to Write a Clear, Cohesive and Purposeful Email Messages  (Ms. Hershey, language arts)

How to Write a Research Question (Ms. Norton, social studies)

Research ​

Better Google Searches

Let Boulder Public Library help you!

Quick  Links

 Boulder Public Library

* Use BPL's free databases with your own library card or (use this database log in to   find  information.

Sign up for your own library card* Use NoodleTools to keep track of your sources, create notecards, and make an outline from them.  This is the best way to   avoid Plagiarism, which is stealing someone else's ideas or words and using them as your own.

Credible Sources Count Tutorial.


8:00 to 4:00 pm



Jennifer Adams, School Librarian

Jen Adams, Teacher-Librarian          Technology Teacher     



Library Events

Quarter Ends
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Spring Break - No School
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Spring Break - No School
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Spring Break - No School
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Spring Break - No School
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