If your student will be absent from school, please complete the REPORT ABSENCE FORM to notify the school attendance office.
Please note: we may not excuse students for a single period without documentation per BVSD Board Policy. Thank you
Casey's attendance policy will follow the guidelines of the Boulder Valley School District. To receive the maximum benefits of a sound educational program, students are expected to be in attendance every day school is in session.
The principal or assistant principal will determine whether an absence is excused or unexcused, based upon state, district and building policies and the information received from parents or guardians. Absences must be phoned in, (720) 561-2726, or excused with a note given to the attendance clerk within 24 hours, or the absence will be treated as unexcused. Notes may be written in your parents' home language.
Excused absences are those absences that have been properly excused for reasons shown below.
- Temporary illness or injury.
- An absence which is pre-approved by the administrator of the school. Pre-arranged absences may be approved for appointments or circumstances which cannot be taken care of outside of school hours.
- Extended absences due to physical, mental or emotional disabilities.
- Work-study program under the supervision of the school.
- Any school-sponsored activity or activities of an educational nature with advance approval by the administration.
- A student who is suspended or expelled.
- Religious holidays.
- Court appearances or court-ordered activities.
The building administrator may require acceptable documentation regarding the above exceptions.
When an expected absence will be three days or more, please print, complete, and turn in a pre-arranged absence form from the website or you can also get a form from the attendance office. The building administrator may excuse absences on a pre-arranged basis in the following circumstances:
Special family activities.
Extenuating circumstances determined by the building administrator.
Such absences that are not pre-arranged will not be excused. Pre-arranged absences may necessitate a parent conference.
Make-up work can be done for excused and pre-arranged absences only. It is your responsibility to make up all work. You are allowed two school days for each day of absence to make up work. If work is not made up within the given time frame, you may receive zeroes for the missed assignments.
Examples of unexcused absences include:
Skiing, hunting or other recreational activities not pre-approved.
Babysitting (not previously arranged with the principal).
Oversleeping (alarm not going off, forgetting to set the clock, etc.).
Leaving during the school day without permission.
If a student is absent without the consent of their parent, guardian, and/or an administrator, the student will be considered truant. Truancy is a violation of the Colorado State Attendance Statute and may be cause for disciplinary and legal action. The following steps will be followed if a student is identified as potential habitually truant:
- After the equivalent of four (4) days of absences an Initial Letter will be sent to the student's parent(s)/guardian(s) as notification of a potential truancy problem.
- After the equivalent of eight (8) days unexcused absences a Second Letter or a Medical Letter will be sent to the parents notifying them of the problem and a Remedial Attendance Plan and Contract will be developed for the student with the full participation of the parent(s)/guardians(s).
- After the equivalent of ten (10) days of unexcused absences a Compulsory Letter will be sent giving notice that the parent could be subject to legal action, giving the family an opportunity to remedy the pattern so that legal action can be avoided. An attendance advocate meets with the family at this time.
- After all steps have been exhausted the school may request an initial court hearing.
Students are allowed, with the proper supervision and field trip forms, to leave school property for field trips. However, in accordance with district policy, Casey Middle School is a closed campus. This means students are not allowed to leave school grounds without proper supervision. For their safety and welfare, students are not allowed to leave school for lunch unless the student is checked out of the office by the parent/guardian, and checked in upon return. We cannot accept notes or phone calls to allow students to eat lunch off campus. If a student leaves campus without proper supervision, he/she will be considered unexcused. A student can only leave campus with a person listed on his/her emergency card.
Because of the disruptive effect tardiness has on learning, it is the expectation of the Casey staff that students arrive to class on time.
Medical appointments.
Temporary illness.
Inclement weather.
Extenuating circumstances.
The tone of each period is set during the first few minutes of class and an important portion of the daily lesson is presented during this same precious time. Students should be in their seats and ready for instruction at the assigned time.
Without proper excuse, tardiness is considered a form of unexcused absence (UNX).
Students accumulating 5 or more unexcused tardies in one quarter will be assigned work detail or detention.
- The Attendance Auto-dialer will call families each time a tardy is recorded per class period.
- Excessive tardiness will be subject to the same consequences as excessive absences.